Jokes on you, Babe I’m their Step-Dad Now - Chapter 75 - SoulyOH (2024)

The flickering aftermath of the robot Courtney incident cast long, distorted shadows across the campsite. Dawn, her aura a swirling vortex of confusion and unease, approached Courtney, who scrolled through her phone with an unsettling nonchalance.

Dawn's voice trembling slightly, Courtney, can we talk… privately?

Courtney glanced up, her expression unreadable. A faint amusem*nt flickered in her eyes, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing around them.

Courtney shrugs Sure, whatever floats your aura-reading boat, Dawn.

She followed Dawn away from the chattering crowd, their footsteps crunching on the gravel path. The flickering flames of the dying campfire cast an eerie glow on their faces.

Dawn stops, turning to face Courtney I… I know something's wrong. She clenched her fists, her voice laced with a newfound determination From the beginning of this season, I haven't been able to read your aura. It's… blank.

Courtney's amusem*nt faltered for a moment. A flicker of something akin to fear crossed her features before she quickly masked it with a haughty smirk.

Courtney scoffs Oh, please, Dawn. Your new-age hippie mumbo jumbo doesn't hold any weight here. She crossed her arms, her voice dripping with sarcasm Maybe you just need to upgrade your crystal collection.

Dawn remained undeterred. Her gaze held a piercing intensity that cut through Courtney's bravado.

Dawn shakes her head No, Courtney. This is different. She lowered her voice, a tremor of fear and suspicion creeping in It feels… dark. Like a… void.

Silence stretched between them, thick with tension. Courtney's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger replacing the amusem*nt. But before she could retort, a booming voice cut through the air.

Chris off-screen Hey love triangle! Cut the girl talk and get ready for some juicy drama!

Courtney and Dawn whirled around to see Chris approaching them, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Zoey trailed behind him, looking uncomfortable and hesitant.

Chris grinning Seems the viewers back home are dying to see a catfight for Scott's heart! You two ladies ready to rumble? He winked at the camera Sam will edit it all together to make it look extra spicy, just you wait!

Courtney's eyes widened in annoyance, while Dawn's brow furrowed in confusion.

Courtney scoffs A catfight? Seriously, Chris? That's your idea of drama?

Chris shrugs Hey, the viewers eat it up! Besides, it'll give Zoey a chance to finally confess her feelings!

Zoey blushed furiously, her stutter intensifying.

Zoey stuttering B-but I… I don't want to fight! And I… I don't know if Scott…

Chris waving his hand dismissively Details, details! Just play along, and we'll get some killer ratings! He nudged Courtney with his elbow So, you in, "CIT"?

Courtney glaring at Chris Fine. But only because I have some things I need to say to Dawn… privately.

Chris's grin widened, oblivious to the undercurrent of tension. He clapped his hands together, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of amusem*nt.

Chris yelling Alright campers! Let's get ready for a Total Drama Rumor Mania showdown!

As Chris and Zoey disappeared into the darkness, Dawn met Courtney's gaze, a flicker of understanding passing between them. This "fight" was a farce, a fabricated drama for the sake of ratings.

Dawn softly I know this isn't you, Courtney. She placed a hand on Courtney's arm, her voice filled with a quiet strength Whoever you are… whatever you're hiding… I'll get to the bottom of it.

Courtney stares at Dawn for a long moment, then lets out a humorless chuckle Maybe. But for now, let's play their little game. A steely glint hardened her eyes And maybe, just maybe, we can use it to our advantage.

Dawn nods slowly, a hint of a plan forming in her eyes Then let's give them a show they won't forget.

They turned towards the clearing, their faces transformed into masks of feigned animosity. The "catfight" would be a start of it all?

The clearing buzzed with anticipation as Chris positioned Courtney and Zoey in the center. The flickering flames of the campfire cast an orange glow on their faces, highlighting the forced animosity in their eyes. Dawn stood to the side, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Chris holding a megaphone Alright folks, settle down! Tonight, we have a classic love triangle showdown! In one corner, the CIT herself, Courtney! He gestured towards Courtney, who flipped her hair dramatically And in the other corner, the sweet and innocent Zoey! Zoey blushed furiously, her gaze darting nervously between Scott and Courtney And the lucky guy they're both fighting for… Scott!

Scott, who had been lounging by the fire with a bored expression, perked up at the sound of his name. A hint of amusem*nt flickered in his eyes, but he quickly schooled his features into a mask of heartbreak.

Chris grinning Alright ladies, let the claws come out! Who will win Scott's heart?

Courtney taking a step forward, her voice dripping with mock sweetness Oh, honey, you don't have to worry about Zoey. She wouldn't know drama if it bit her in the…

Dawn interrupting, her voice laced with mock outrage The nerve of you, Courtney! How dare you belittle Zoey's feelings!

Dawn's sudden intervention startled everyone. Her voice, usually soft and gentle, held a sharp edge that cut through the manufactured tension. Courtney, momentarily thrown off balance, sputtered in response.

Courtney scoffs Hold on a second, tree-hugger! Since when did you become Zoey's champion?

Zoey mumbling Dawn, you don't have to do this…

Dawn ignoring Zoey, her gaze fixed on Courtney Because, unlike some of us, I can see genuine affection! Zoey's feelings for Scott are pure and honest!

As Dawn spoke, she subtly focused on their auras. Zoey's shimmered with a soft pink glow, tinged with a nervous flutter. Scott's, however, remained a murky green, a mix of confusion and amusem*nt. But it was Courtney's aura that truly sent a shiver down Dawn's spine. It was a cold, metallic grey, devoid of warmth or emotion.

A plan began to form in Dawn's mind. This "fight" could be their chance to expose the imposter.

Courtney throwing her hands up in mock exasperation Oh, for crying out loud! Fine, Zoey. You win! Scott, obviously, has fallen for your… charm. Happy now?

Dawn pressing the attack Don't be so bitter, Courtney! Maybe if you weren't so focused on winning and manipulating everyone, you might find someone who truly appreciates you!

The campers gasped at Dawn's boldness. Even Chris seemed taken aback by her sudden change in attitude. But Dawn ignored them, her gaze locked on Courtney. She could see the flicker of something akin to fear in the imposter's eyes, a hint of the mask slipping.

Meanwhile, B, who had been watching silently from the sidelines, gave Dawn a thumbs-up, a silent encouragement in her sign language. Cameron, his brow furrowed in thought, whispered something to Cody, who stifled a snort. The rest of the campers, bored by the staged drama, began to drift away, their conversations filled with yawns and eye rolls.

Courtney gritting her teeth That's it! You… you meddling hippie!

Courtney lunged at Dawn, but Zoey, ever the peacemaker, stepped in between them.

Zoey stuttering Stop it! There's no need to fight!

Chris disappointed Aw, come on! Don't give up on the drama so soon!

Dawn pushing Zoey gently aside Don't worry, Zoey. I can handle this.

Courtney eyes blazing Handle what? You don't even know what you're dealing with!

Suddenly, Dawn lunged forward, her movements surprisingly swift. She grabbed Courtney's arm, her eyes fixed on the metallic aura.

Dawn whispering, but with a steely resolve I know exactly who you're not. And I'll get the real Courtney back, no matter the cost.

The scene froze on Dawn's determined face, a silent battle of wills raging beneath the manufactured drama. The fight for survival, redemption, and perhaps even the fate.

Dawn's grip tightened on Courtney's arm, sending a jolt of surprise through the imposter. The metallic aura flickered momentarily, revealing a glimpse of something dark and swirling beneath the surface. But the imposter recovered quickly, her eyes hardening with a cold fury.

Imposter Courtney snarling You little…

Dawn hissing back Don't you dare try to use my friend's voice against me!

A strangled cry escaped Dawn's lips as the imposter twisted her arm with unnatural strength. Pain shot through her shoulder, but Dawn refused to back down.

Imposter Courtney smirking You're clever, hippie. But you're outmatched. You can't fight what you don't understand.

Dawn gritting her teeth Maybe not. But I know the truth. You're not Courtney. You're a pale imitation, a puppet dancing on someone else's strings.

The imposter's smirk faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of fear crossing her features. But before Dawn could press further, a new voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

Brody shouting from a distance Hey! What's going on here?

Brody, alerted by the commotion, came bounding towards them, his face a mask of concern. The imposter, seeing her advantage fading, released Dawn's arm with a shove.

Imposter Courtney scowling Nothing, Brody. Just a little… disagreement between friends. She forced a smile, her eyes flashing with hidden malice Right, Dawn?

Dawn rubbing her sore arm, voice shaky Y-yeah. Just… talking things out.

The imposter clung to Brody's arm, burying her face in his shoulder in a display of manufactured affection. Brody, oblivious to the deeper meaning, returned the hug awkwardly. Dawn watched the charade unfold, a wave of despair washing over her.

Dawn whispering to herself I can't expose her here… not with Brody around. They'd both be in danger.

Imposter Courtney leaning into Brody's ear, voice dripping with sweetness Maybe we should head back to our cabin, honey. Dawn seems a little… stressed.

Brody nods Yeah, good idea. Come on, Dawn. We can all talk things out later.

Dawn forced a smile, her heart heavy with a terrible secret.

Dawn sighs Yeah, sounds good.

As she walked with Brody and the imposter Courtney towards their cabin, Dawn glanced back at the other campers. B and Cameron were watching them intently, their brows furrowed in thought. A silent message passed between them, a flicker of understanding in their eyes. Dawn knew it was a risk, putting everyone in danger, but she couldn't remain silent. She had to find a way to expose the imposter, to save Courtney and the others... and perhaps even herself.

The forest loomed ahead, a dark and unsettling presence in the flickering moonlight. Dawn stepped into the unknown, her heart filled with a mixture of fear and determination. The "fight" for Scott was over, but the real battle had just begun.

The forest path swallowed them whole, the dense canopy overhead blocking out most of the moonlight. The only sound was the crunch of leaves beneath their feet and the occasional rustle in the undergrowth. Dawn walked with a forced smile, her senses on high alert. Everything about this situation felt wrong.

Imposter Courtney leaning into Brody's ear, her voice dripping with fake concern Are you sure Dawn's alright, honey? She seems awfully quiet.

Brody shrugs She was pretty shaken up back there. Maybe she just needs some space.

Dawn gritted her teeth, feeling their eyes on her. This was a trap, she knew it. These weren't the real Brody and Courtney. But who, or what, were they?

Suddenly, a sharp whistle pierced the air, echoing through the trees. The false Courtney spun around, a flicker of surprise crossing her features.

Dawn a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes Mike?

A figure emerged from the shadows, tall and lanky with a mischievous grin on his face. But as Dawn got a closer look, a wave of dread washed over her. This wasn't Mike. This was Mal, Mike's malevolent alternate personality. His eyes, devoid of their usual warmth, gleamed with an unsettling intensity.

Mal chuckles Well, well, well. Look who we have here. What a delightful surprise.

He gestured towards Dawn with a theatrical flourish.

Mal to Courtney and Brody Come, come. Let's not leave our dear Dawn out in the cold. She seems like she might be fun to play with… especially if she knows how to play a good game of… chest. He winked, his voice dripping with a dark humor And I, for one, do enjoy a good chest game.

Dawn's smile faltered. Mal's sudden appearance, his predatory tone, confirmed her worst fears. This was a twisted game, and she was a pawn caught in the middle.

Imposter Courtney hesitates for a moment, then shrugs Alright, Mal. Lead the way. But don't think for a second we trust you.

Mal laughs Trust? My dear Courtney, who needs trust when we have… chaos? He turned and started walking deeper into the forest, his laughter echoing through the trees Come along, little campers. We have a game to play.

Dawn, trapped between a cunning imposter and a sad*stic manipulator, found herself following them deeper into the dark, unknown forest. A part of her feared for her own safety, but a stronger part burned with a fierce determination. She had stumbled upon something bigger than herself.

Dawn whispering to herself I have to expose them. I have to find out what happened to the real Courtney… and maybe, just maybe, find a way to free the others.

The flickering light of the moon cast long, ominous shadows on the forest floor. As Dawn continued down the path with the false Courtney and Mal, she knew this was just the beginning. The fight for survival, for truth, and for the fate of her makeshift family had begun.

A surprised yelp escaped Dawn's lips as the false Brody, with surprising strength, scooped her up into his arms. She feigned helplessness, her eyes darting between Mal's unsettling grin and the carefully constructed facade of concern on the imposter Courtney's face.

False Brody chuckles Seems like little Dawn got a bit spooked by the dark. Don't worry, sweetheart, I've got you.

He carried her with an unsettling ease, his grip firm but gentle. Dawn couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in the imposter Courtney's jaw as she watched them.

Mal, leading the way with an exaggerated swagger, turned his head slightly towards Dawn.

Mal in a sing-song voice Now, now, little flower child. Don't fret. We're just going to have a little game. A game of… chess!

He cackled, his laughter echoing eerily in the stillness of the forest. Dawn, despite the fear gnawing at her heart, forced a confused frown.

Dawn feigning ignorance Chess? But… I don't know how to play.

Mal stopped abruptly, his grin widening. He gestured towards a clearing ahead, where a makeshift chessboard, carved from smooth stones and logs, lay bathed in the faint moonlight.

Mal in a patronizing tone Oh, that's alright, little one. It's a simple game. Even a pretty little flower like you can understand the basics.

He launched into an explanation of the chessboard layout and piece movements, his voice dripping with a mock sweetness that sent shivers down Dawn's spine.

Imposter Courtney interrupting Mal with a sharp tone Just get on with it, Mal. We don't have all night.

Mal raises an eyebrow Oh, but Courtney, dear, isn't this part of the fun? Watching the little flower bloom… or crumble?

He threw Dawn a sly glance, his eyes glinting with malice. Dawn, suppressing a tremor of fear, used the opportunity to subtly observe Mal's aura. Unlike Mike's usual vibrant, swirling energy, Mal's aura pulsed with a dark, stagnant malevolence. It was cold and calculating, devoid of any warmth or compassion.

As they settled around the makeshift chessboard, Dawn saw this as an opportunity. She may not know how to play chess, but she could use this game to her advantage. She could observe their interactions, pick up on their weaknesses, and hopefully, find a way to expose them.

Dawn taking a deep breath Alright, "Mal." Let's play this game. But be warned… I may be a flower, but I have thorns.

A flicker of surprise crossed Mal's face before he burst into laughter.

Mal waving a dismissive hand Oh, by all means, little flower. Show me your thorns. It will only make the game more… interesting.

The pieces were set. The game had begun. But for Dawn, this was more than just a game of chess. It was a battle for survival, for truth, and for the fate of her makeshift family. As the moonlight cast long shadows on the forest floor, Dawn knew that the next move she made had to be her best. The future of everyone she cared about hung in the balance.

Dawn squared her shoulders, her eyes locking with Mal's. The moonlight glinted off the carved stone chess pieces, casting long, distorted shadows on the makeshift board. The forest air hung heavy with tension, punctuated only by the occasional chirp of a night insect.

Dawn's voice firm, betraying none of the fear gnawing at her insides Before we start, Mal, a proposition. If I win this game…

She paused for dramatic effect, her gaze flickering to the tense expressions of the false Brody and Courtney guarding them.

Dawn continuing …you release six of the… captives.

The word hung in the air, a challenge. Mal's eyes narrowed, his playful demeanor fading.

False Brody scowling Captives? What are you talking about, Dawn?

Dawn ignoring him, her focus solely on Mal Six of my friends. Your… guests.

Mal chuckles, the sound devoid of humor Guests? A rather generous term, wouldn't you say?

Imposter Courtney snaps This isn't part of the deal, Mal!

Mal raises a hand, silencing her Now, now, Courtney, dear. Let's see what the little flower has to offer. It might be… entertaining.

He turned back to Dawn, a sly grin twisting his features.

Mal nodding Very well, flower. You win this game, and six… guests… go free. But…

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

Mal…I get to choose them.

Dawn's heart hammered in her chest. It was a gamble, but she had no other choice.

Dawn taking a deep breath Deal.

Mal threw his head back and let out a theatrical laugh, the sound echoing through the silent trees. As the laughter subsided, he gestured towards the board, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint.

Mal picking up a black pawn Then let the games begin! May the best… manipulator… win.

He made his first move, placing the pawn on the board with a deliberate click. Dawn stared at the board, feigning confusion. But behind her facade, her mind raced. She didn't know how to play chess, but she knew Mal did. She would have to observe, learn, and find a way to exploit his weaknesses.

Dawn reaching for a white pawn, her voice trembling slightly Then allow me to counter, "king."

She placed the pawn down on the board, a hesitant but defiant move. The game was on. Each piece moved with a click, the sound echoing in the tense silence. Dawn made random, seemingly illogical moves, all the while studying Mal's strategy and observing the imposter Courtney.

False Brody scoffing This is ridiculous! You clearly don't know what you're doing, Dawn.

Dawn kept her eyes on the board, ignoring his taunts. She noticed a flicker of frustration in the imposter Courtney's eyes, a subtle twitch of her hand. It seemed this charade was straining them as well.

As the game progressed, Dawn started to pick up on the basic patterns of the pieces. She saw Mal's arrogance clouding his judgment, his moves becoming increasingly aggressive. It was an opening.

Dawn sacrificing a rook Checkmate in three, Mal.

A stunned silence descended upon the clearing. Mal stared at the board, his face contorted in a mixture of disbelief and fury.

Mal snarling Impossible! You… you cheated!

Dawn shaking her head, a small smile playing on her lips No, Mal. I simply observed. You underestimated me. And now…

She turned towards the imposter Courtney and the false Brody, her voice ringing with newfound confidence.

Dawn…it's time to fulfill your end of the bargain.

The forest held its breath, waiting for the imposters' response. The game had taken an unexpected turn, and the fate of six of Dawn's friends hung in the balance.

A wave of nausea washed over Dawn as she stared at the rows of brightly colored boxes in front of her. Each one, disturbingly reminiscent of a Barbie dollhouse, housed one of her friends. They lay unconscious, hooked up to wires that snaked back towards the shadows where Mal and the imposters lurked.

This was her "win." It felt hollow, tainted by Mal's perverse satisfaction. Despite the victory, her victory felt like a twisted defeat. He'd allowed her to free six, but replaced them with six more, choosing them himself.

False Brody grinning See, Dawn? We kept our word. Six got out. He pats Dawn on the shoulder, the gesture feeling slimy and insincere. Now, let's get these… guests… settled in, shall we?

Dawn shrugging him off, her voice laced with anger Don't touch me. And "settled in"? They're prisoners, not furniture!

Mal chuckles, his voice dripping with amusem*nt Oh, but Dawn, darling, isn't that the fun part? Watching them squirm, wondering what game this is… maybe even blaming each other.

He leaned in close, his eyes flashing with a chilling darkness.

Mal Don't be naive, flower. The game has just begun.

Dawn's stomach churned, but she refused to show fear. She had to be strong, for herself and for her friends. She stole a glance at the boxes, her heart aching for the captives inside.

Dawn's voice firm despite the tremor running through her You may have them for now, Mal, but I won't let you win. I'll find a way to free them all.

Mal threw back his head and laughed, a harsh, grating sound that echoed through the clearing.

MalWe'll see about that, little flower. We'll see about that.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the camp, a frantic search was underway. B and Cameron, alerted to Dawn's disappearance, had rallied a small group of their allies. B, unable to use his voice due to a recent injury, communicated silently through sign language, his hands moving urgently.

B signs rapidly Dawn is missing. We need to find her. Noah, can you use your skills to track her location? Sierra, do you remember anything from the challenge that might give us a clue? Brick, can you help us search the area discreetly?

Noah, brows furrowed in concentration, fiddled with his ever-present PDA. Sierra, eyes red-rimmed from worry, gnawed on her lip.

Noah shaking his head No signal. Dawn must be somewhere shielded from technology.

Sierra sniffling, I… I remember seeing a bunch of brightly colored boxes near Mal's hangout. They looked… out of place.

Brick, his jaw clenched tight, nodded grimly.

Brick salutes B with a fist bump, Let's check it out. But we need to be careful. Mal could be watching.

The small group, united by fear and a fierce determination, moved through the shadows, their mission to find Dawn and uncover the truth behind the mysterious boxes.

Meanwhile, Noah, left alone with only his thoughts for company, noticed something strange. Two campers, Scott and Brick, seemed to be missing. He squinted, his mind racing. Brick was part of their search party, and Scott… well, Scott was always somewhere unpredictable. But something felt off.

Noah muttering to himself Strange… maybe I'm just paranoid.

But as he turned to rejoin the search, a flicker of movement caught his eye. A flash of green, barely noticeable in the moonlight, disappeared behind a large oak tree. Dawn.

Noah's eyes widening Dawn?

He crept towards the tree, his heart pounding in his chest. There, huddled behind the oak, stood Dawn, her face etched with worry. Relief flooded through him.

Noah whispering Dawn? What are you doing here?

Dawn spun around, her eyes widening in surprise. Then, realizing it was Noah, she let out a shaky sigh.

Dawn whispering back There's so much to tell you…

Tears welled up in Dawn's eyes as she stared at the rows of brightly colored boxes. The sight was even more disturbing up close, the plastic gleaming under the moonlight, the wires snaking out from beneath them like grotesque umbilical cords. Each box contained a friend, trapped in a sleep-like state, vulnerable and unaware.

Noah, ever the pragmatist, didn't waste time on unnecessary questions. He saw the raw emotion on Dawn's face, the desperate urgency in her movements as she tried to pry open the boxes with trembling fingers.

Noah's voice gentle despite himself Dawn, easy. We need a plan. How did you escape? What's with… these?

He gestured towards the boxes, his voice laced with a hint of disgust. Dawn took a deep breath, trying to calm the torrent of emotions swirling inside her.

Dawn's voice trembling Mal tricked me. He… he made me play chess. He promised to release six of them if I won, but…

Shame stung her eyes as she explained the twisted game, the horrifying reality of the "guests" inside the boxes.

Dawn's voice shaking I won… but he chose these six. And… they're not just trapped physically. I can feel it… their… memories… their fears… trapped with them.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the faint energy signatures radiating from the boxes. They pulsed with a dull, sluggish energy, a stark contrast to the vibrant auras of healthy minds.

Dawn whispering, Brody's… it's tied to the ocean… happy memories with surfers… and LeShawna's… it's strong, fierce, protective… but there's a… a chilling loneliness…

Each aura painted a fragment of their captive's inner world, a world of trapped memories and fear. It fueled a fire in Dawn's heart, a fierce determination to break them free.

Noah, listening intently, absorbed the information. He wasn't particularly in touch with the spiritual side of things, but seeing the raw desperation in Dawn's eyes, he knew they had to act fast.

Noah placing a hand on her shoulder, a gesture of unexpected comfort Alright, Dawn. We'll figure something out. These boxes must have a mechanism to open them. Let's see what we can find.

He crouched down, his keen eyes scanning the base of the boxes for any hidden compartments or levers. Dawn, feeling a surge of gratitude for his unspoken support, joined him, her fingers tracing the smooth plastic, searching for a way in.

Meanwhile, a rustling sound in the nearby bushes caught their attention. B, ever vigilant, emerged from the shadows, followed by a grim-faced Cameron.

B signs rapidly We found you, Dawn. What's happening?

His question hung in the air as his eyes flickered to the disturbing boxes. Dawn, wiping away a stray tear, explained the situation in a hushed voice, her words laced with a quiet desperation.

As she spoke, Cameron, known for his ingenuity, noticed something peculiar. He crouched down and examined one of the boxes more closely.

Cameron's eyes widening, Wait a minute… these boxes… they're not just plastic. They have a faint electrical current running through them. That must be what's keeping them unconscious.

Hope surged through Dawn's heart. If they could disrupt the current, they could break the spell and free their friends.

Noah pulling out a small flashlight from his pocket I have an idea. Cameron, do you think you can create a small EMP with your gear? It should disrupt the electrical field long enough for them to wake up.

Cameron's eyes gleaming, Maybe… maybe with Dawn's knowledge of the forest, we can find the right materials. We might need some… unconventional components, but I think I can do it!

A glimmer of hope flickered in the clearing, a beacon against the darkness. United in their determination, the small group huddled together, their combined skills and talents their only weapon against Mal's twisted game. As Dawn led them deeper into the forest, her connection to the natural world guiding them, a silent vow formed in the air. They would free their friends, they would defeat Mal, and they would do it together.

Jokes on you, Babe I’m their Step-Dad Now - Chapter 75 - SoulyOH (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.