D4 THE DAILY DISPATCH AND ARGUS Saturday, May 30, 1987 7070 -Haft HofflMtPvti TCS-Hosaa lor Sail -knporiCiri JK5-toot3i 90S0 Import Cirs 74 HONDA. 175 cc, 4000 miles, new battery $225. 766-4931. See 701 25th R.I. COLONA 2 bedroom unite, muet aen.
$2500 or beat offer. 1-441-5962 wave a message. 76 HONDA CIVIC, runa a. looks good, new clutch, low mi. $400 or best.
762-4554. 80 CITATION, 4 V-8, p.b., air, clean. $2995. Anderson Auto Saiea. 72 VW Super Beetle, red, good heater, $680.
2321 23rd Ct. Bett. 359-1584. 84 PONTIAC Pheomx. 2 4 4 p.b., new Urea atereo, mora.
$5500beat 797-2430. $1860 DOWN on contract. 3 bedroom, fut basem*nt. 2 car oarage, race location. $950 DOWN on contract.
2 baoroom. fuH basem*nt, 2 car garage, taval kit. Vic Hank. 764-7407. 74 HONDA CB360.
Like new, 8,000 mi new battery charger. $390. 768-9724. 74 OPEL MANTA. needs a little work, $350 or beat offer.
326- 5569. LOTS AVAILABLE Green Acre Moons Eatatea, Qeneeeo. Quiet, country Kvtng with city convenience. CaM 71 VW convertible, part restored, many new pana, good engine fc top, ran wet, Bret $700. 764-4850 80 OLDSMOBILE StanVe.
4 4 AMFM cassette, police detector, no ruet, dean kistoe out, good tires, nice car. $1595best. 764-2909. 7540 Roc tond House MOTORCYCLE. 74 Honda CL450.
Excellent condition, 8000 $375. 332-4880. 81 DATSUN 280ZX. t-top, 22, 6 looksruns fabulous, 67,500 $5995. 768-2878.
84 CAMARO. V-6. p.s., air. cruise, tut. dark brown metallic.
$7995. After 6, 799-3779, 70 VW Baja. No rust, atereo. many new parts, $900beet 786-2819. MUST SELL: 6 room houaa.
2 batn, large yard, naar school. $9000. 786-1883. LOTS AVAILABLE in Cloverleaf Village No entry fee. 2 montha free lot rent.
Can 764-6709 between 8-5. 74 HONDA 650 CB, fairing, excellent conoftion. $525. 79 BUICK REGAL, p.s., p.b., air, rune good, good condition. 79 DATSUN 280ZX.
must sea. Good condition. $3000 or best offer. 324-8118. 84 CAMARO Z28.
Red. 1 owner, mmt. Serious Inquires. $13,000 Arm. 788-2171 after 6:00, anytime weekends.
$900. 79-BB1B anero. 69 VW BAJA BUG, runa good, body fair, fiberglass hood fenders, needa brakes bled, $350 or best offer. 391-3101 $5000 FIX IT noma. Financing avaiiabia with $500 down.
Call 9-5, 762-6580. REPOSSESSED MOBILE HOMES. $500 down. For detatie-Btack Hawk Federal, 74 HONDA CB 360, new tune-up, fairing, 7000 actual mitee, $400. 752-0227.
77 DATSUN station wagon, 63,000 $600 or beat offer. 755-8244. 79 CHEVETTE. 4 dr. hatchback, good body, motor needa work.
$400. 792-8290. 7D44-Condommumi 1984 PonMc Pariaienne wagon. 8 passenger, full power, white with red vinyl 78 VOLVO wagon, loaded, 68,000 ruetproofed, excellent, $3900. 755-6422.
73 HONOA 350, $250 Of I Offer. 764-6196. 78 OLDS 88. Excellent condition, new tiresexhaust, high mi. $1600.
309-937-5164. 76 DATSUN 280Z, red, clean insideout, custom, low mileage, air, $1600. Beautiful car. 768-4149. Bavarty Manor Condornirauma 948-1 7th MoHne 782-0844 73 HONDA 600, $350 or best offer.
797-6871. 76 VOLVO 245DL wagon, runa good, $1000. 1-309-334-2743. Woodhul (L. Transportation 9000 OTmi USED CAR 7070 Mobile Honw It Parti 79 GRAND PRIX.
Crulee, tilt, air, AMFM atereo, rune great. $1200beat. 792-5276. 76 DATSUN 280Z. cleen, sharp.
$1700. 768-6147 after 4. I CJ! SALES 71 HONDA 350, 9257 actual ml vary good ahape. Baking $350. 792-3359 after 5.
75 VOLVO 184E. 93,000 ml. $2000. 764-1377. 78 CHEVY IMPALA, 4 p.s., 72 BUDDY 12x65.
2 bedroom mobile homa, 2 air condlt-kxiara, appiiancaa ahed, $3,000 caah. 799-7520 attar 5 m. P. 750. 792-0930.
86 CAMRY LE, 5 air, 73 DATSUN 240Z. Looka nice, needs minor repair. Will sacrifice at $900. 391-3101. HONOA 360.
Very tow mi with fainng, very good condition. $300. 766-8131. power. $11,500.
cruise, run 786-216371 cruise, fuH 1984 Butck LeSabre Ltd. 4 V8; power eeate, windows, locks; bit, cruise, $6899. 786-2146 after 5. 9005 Airplanei 78 TRANS AM, metallic gray, air, p.b cruise, very good condition. $3000.
2400 34th R.I. 788-0115. 80 MOB, excellent condition, no rust, best offer over $3800. 786-2401 HONDA 450, 1000 miles. $650.
Anderson Auto Sales 797-6995. 86 TOYOTA Camry LE, loaded, air, excellent condition, $10,500. 784-9718 ULTRALIGHT ROTEC Rally 2B. 35 p. 2 props.
$900. 68 VINDALE, East Molina 12x60 with 7x14 expando, 2 beorooma, ahed. good shape. $4200. 755-4089 attar 3.
78 CHEVY NOVA, $1650 or best offer. Call Mike 762-5589. 76 MG MIDGET convertible. 4 4 excellent, no ruet, $2500be3t. 797-2732.
83 NISSAN SENTRA, 5 AM-FM, runs great, sharp car, $3000. 782-8725. 9010-Auto-Truck Parti 78 CADILLAC Sedan Deville, very nice, black with red Interior $2900. 799-5460 12X85 with 8x12 tip-out. 2 bedrooma, new water heater, 2 year old furnace, utility anad.
wood burner, fenced yard low lot rent. 949-2561 75 TRIUMPH TR7, for parts or whole. $350. 788-5803. 73 CUTLASS.
350 Rocket, new Urea battery, $200 or will part. 285 9629. 64 KAWASAKI NIJA 900. Good condition. Realty feat.
$2100. 788-1946. 82 COROLLA Llftback. 5 58.000 sunroof, AMFM. $3185.
787-4655. 84 CAPRICE coupe, loaded, spotless, power options, low ml $7495. Anoerson Auto Sales 797-6995. 78 BUICK Regal. S.b., air, rear defog, AMFM.
1600 or beet. 768-7164. 74 RED MG Midget convertible. New paint, top, interior. Runa great $2500be8t.
788-8041 84 Kawaaakl. 1100, faat, powerful, clean, $3200 or beat. Call 797-0238. 80 CAPRICE Classic station wagon. No engine or body good.
Make offer. 1-441-5273 after 5. 82 TOYOTA Celica QTS llftback, like new, black silver, air, Bun roof, 84 CITATION X11. Fully equipped. Asking $4900.
788- 1962 TROJAN. 10x55, 2 bedroom. Lot 45, Oak Grove Park, Milan. $1 200. 787-1 865.
80 ROLLO Home, 2 bedrooma, 78 CHEVY NOVA, 2 6 3 AM-FM, great for 17000. 72 MQB CONVERTIBLE, new clutch, excellent condition. $2300 or best. 788-4892. graduation, i 4au.
34-bqbm. 82 KAWASAKI 560LTO, excellent condition, $850 or beat offer. 787-3718 after 8. big open kitchen, central air, 79 DODQE 8' pickup box, some rust. $90 or best.
762-251 4. 83 CHEVETTE, 58,000 mllea, AM-FM, 4 apd $2500 or best offer. 1-658-2532. 81 TOYOTA Corolla SR5. 6 air, AMFM atereo, good tlrea.
$2800. 787-4856. 78 CAPRICE, 305, all power, air, cruise. AMFM. $1200- new 8x20 covered deck, ahed.
1544 4th St. Ct. Eaat, 88 AUDI Quattro, 5-apeed, like new, replacement $21 ,500, asking. $16,500. 764-6212.
74 PONTIAC engine, runa QOQd, $150. 792-1255. best. 1-944-2438. Mian curt tstates.
Milan. 82 KAWASAKI 440 LTD. Very good condition, with extras. $700. 787-4747.
Immediate poaaeaaion. 787- 83 CADILLAC Sedan de Vllle, loaded, very nice, very clean. $6000. 391-4885, 386-1232. 80 TOYOTA Coroia, great condition, must sail, $800 or beat offer.
782-0525. 0665 or 787-6884. 78 OLDSMOBILE. Air, cruise, good condition, runs great. $900 or beat.
309-496-9854. 64 TITAN. 2 bedrooms. 82 KZ1300, fairing, towers, like new, low exceptional, $2800. 309-623-2336 after 5.
73 CHARGER SE. ml. on almost all new rebuilt 318, extra rebuilt trana. 5 new tlrea. Interior good, Needa body work! $1000-firm.
Runs QREATI 796-1923, 792-2155. appliances, $l500beat. Oak 83 CAMARO. Excellent condition. Priced to sell 323-5962, 78 TOYOTA Celica, $1000 or best offer.
755-8008. 82 AUDI 4000S, extrae, runs great, $3600 or beat offer. Call evenlnga 786-0585. urove Mooiie Park. 7B7-3BZ5 78 CAMARO, runs great, good condition, air, AM-FM cassette, $2500.
788-1974. 7C35 Houses For Sale 81 KAWASAKI 750LTD, adjustable backrest, low miles, $1 300best. 391 -2809. 77 TOYOTA CELICA, AM-FM stereo, air, runs great. $1250beat.
787-5136. 82 BUICK LeSabre. 4 dieaei, new engine, tow milea, excellent. 80 AUDI 4000. 2 door, 4 KYB shocks, high ml.
$1200best offer. 799-3562. 78 MONZA. V6 needa soma work, $500best. 792-8992 after 3.
78 KAWASAKI KZ1000, 7,500 $1 400 or best offer. Call 787-6027. 76 TOYOTA Corolla, runs good. $500. 319-285-7891.
76 AUDI FOX, needs work, $300best. 797-5989 after 4. 82 MONTE CARLO, silver, 2 blue landau top, 77,000 miles, $4100. 787-0042. 400 TURBO trana.
parts. 2 PR295 B.F. Goodrich T-A tires on 15x10 Centerilnea. 762-7005 after 4:30, Kevin Magnuaon. 77 GOLD GRAND Prix.
2 air, cassette, good condition. $800. 391-3611, 76 TOYOTA SR5. $350 or best offer. 764-1254.
78 KZ650, good condition, $725. 755-8798. 86 SUZUKI Samurai, 9700 6 spd. $7000beat offer. CaH after 6 p.m.
788-0940. 77 PACER. 6 cylinder, $250. 80 LECAR runa good $550. 788-5460 82 BUICK Century Limited, 2 4 air, new tlrea, brakes battery, beautiful car, $3600 or best.
Colons 309-948-2548. PAIR big black Chevy closed chamber cyl. head, $150 or beat. 797-4833. 77 KAWASAKI KZ750, excellent condition, $700 or best offer.
1-309-936-7768. 77 BUICK REQAL, air, crulee, AM-FM cassette, runs good, body newly painted. $1 200 or beet. 1-659-2319. 7' TOPPER, gray metallic fiberglass, for Ford Ranger, $300 firm.
Evea. 762-031 6. NEW LISTING East Molina, 2 bedroom ranch, aluminum siding, full basem*nt, garage, vacant and ready to move in. Only $20,000. NEW LISTING East Moline hill.
2 bedroom, aluminum siding, new windows and storms. IV car garage. Great first home. Best buy in town. Only $17,000.
CLIFF GRAY REALTY, 755-7550. 77 KAWASAKI KZ 650, great condition, tow $700 or beat offer. 762-3798 after 4. 82 CAMARO Z2B, tow loaded, T-tops, great shape, $7800best. 762-5568 after 3.
mam FULL SIZE truck tool box. $38. 799-5319. 77 CAMARO LT, metallic red, Cragar rime, stereo, air. $1500.
787-4670. 82 BUICK Regal LTD, mint, loaded, charcoal, $5500. 75 KAWASAKI KE-250, good condition $300 or best. Call 707-4833. 87 CAVALIER Z24.
only 6,500 owner relocating, $11,700 Arm. 755-01 52. TRUCK QANQ box, full alze, $50. 755-2664. 77 MONTE Carlo, excellent running condition, looks good, 82 T-TOP blackgold Camaro Berllnetta, V8, auto, air, ERS atereo.
$6885. 787-6763. 76 KAWASAKI 400, runs great. $376. Call after 3, 797-8149.
73 KAWASAKI 100, good condition, $225 or beat. 2, NEVER USED van captains chairs, fawn striped fabric, $150ea. 944-4963 after 5. 87 BUICK Somerset, loaded. $9,900.
388-2912. After 5 794-0465. REX RO AT INTERNATIONAL AUTOS 380 42nd Ave. East Moline 796-1006 MUST SELL. 82 Celebrity, excellent condition, $3600-make offer.
786-881 5. 77 MONZA. Just overhauled. New paint. $900.
7960369. 77 Chevelle, automatic, good work car, $300, call 764-0871 86 CAMARO Z-28, 305 engine, fuel Injected, loaded, black, $13,400. 309-844-3521. Q.M. TURBO 400 rebuilt 1 yr.
ago. $100. 797-2804. 9012 Tires Rims SWKI 82 SKYHAWK, V4, p.b., crulee, sunroof, AM-FM, air, 48,000 $3750. 787-8575.
77 CAMARO. Mechanically sound. $600. 391-6375 after 4. FIVE 750x16 truck tires.
$15 each. 798-2278. Biacknewk imoorta S3 8UZUKI GS450A. ahaft drive, air shocks, back support, wind breaker, clean, Ilka new, owner 60 yr. old man, never been driven hard.
$876. 792-1484. 81 MONTE CARLO. No ruat. $3600beat offer, will consider trade.
787-4804. 77 CHEVY IMPALA, 4 good work car, new tires, brakea exhaust. $450. 786-7014. 1112 W.
KlmbertyRd. Davenport 381-3834 4 1 983 Z28 alloy factory mags, 1 5x7, excellent condition, $225 or best. 755-7344. 61 BUICK REGAL, 2 vinyl top, loaded, mint condition, $5200. Orion 528-3490.
82 SUZUKI QS650L. $900. Call after 6, 792-1703. 77 OLDS. Cutlass.
Good body, new tlrea. air, auto, p.a., V6, 231. $750. 792-1285. 4 15x7 CHEVY ralley wheels, rings capa, $100 or best.
755-7344. $2 TRANSFERS 86 Chrysler LeBaron 85 Dodge Charger 2.2 85 Bulck LeSabre 85 GMC ton pickup 84 Bulck LeSabre 81 Subaru station wagon 4x4 78 Chevy Monte Carlo Need reliable party to finish balances in small monthly paymenta. Call Marvin Tldd only, dealer, 386-3827. Rent to own programa also available. 81 MALIBU wagon, 112,000 miles, runs great, $2100.
391-6569 leave measaoe. 82 SUZUKI GN125. $450. 1 800 34th Mol. Call after 5 p.m., 762-4526.
76 MONTE Carlo, 350. $500 or make offer. 787-3746. SET OF KEYSTONE rims with tires. Good shape.
$150. 784-2481 2302 38th Mol. 76 BUICK LeSabre, 4 dr $500. 755-1868 after 5 p.m. FOUR 1 5" tires.
$15 each. 82 SUZUKI QS650L, new In 1984, 3000 shield, shaft drive, $1450. 309-593-2732. 81 FIREBIRD, V8, blue, loaded. $3600.
787-6172. VW MAZDA BMW Of Eaat Molina 1200 42nd Ave. 786-1221 REPOSSESSED. 78 OLDS 2 dr. coupe, $300 or best offer.
Call 756-3481 8-5. ET UNILUQ slots with LQO Q60 tires, $225 or best offer. 797-4833. 81 CITATION, 1 owner, 1,000 miles on major, $2000 firm. Call 786-0930.
82 GS560L, 1 owner, 1500 ml. Immaculate black $1000 firm. 1-496-9421. 82 VW RABBIT. 4 door, dleeel, auto, p.s.
Excellent condition. $255rj. 782-3045. 86 OLDS Custom wagon, loaded, full power, low 332-7800. NEW USTING Beautiful southwest Rock Island split foyer home with lovely rear yard setting off wooden deck.
A pleasure and delight to show. Quiet neighborhood. $68,000. REYNOLDS Immediate possession available on this Reynolds 3 bedroom ranch style home. Sits on double wide corner lot.
Basem*nt partially finished. Two car detached garage. CAPE COD Move right In to this very well maintained four bedroom home with two baths and two kitchens. One owner. Aluminum sided with central air.
Excellent buy In the low $40s. STARTER This aluminum sided 2 bedroom home is only a 2 block walk from Denkmann School. Super backyard for cook-outs, garden, kids, pets, etc. Yours for only $27,000. C0NNELL AGENCY Realtors 768-7668 Evenings 359-0492 78 MALIBU CLASSIC wagon, $400 or beat offer.
787-1088 evenings. FIRESTONE 4 radial steeltex. LT23585R16. Less than 65 mi. $300.
332-4058. 81 CHEVETTE hatchback, very clean, runs great. $1500 firm. 797-0236. 82 QS1100QK, black, fuH dress, AMFM cassette, 4900 ml.
$2600. 755-3319, 86 SEVILLE, 8,000 like new, yellow leather, $10,000 Off list. $18,800, 308-488-8128. 80 VW CONVERTIBLE, excellent shape, Wolfsburg model, air conditioning, low miles, $8400. 787-8613.
78 CHEVETTE. Runs good. $500. Call after 6, 4 FACTORY Bulck maga, 1 4" 4 2 tires, $40. 792-3993.
81 BERLINETTA Camaro, AM-FM cassette, 42,000 mi. Must seal $5600. 788-8824. 81 SUZUKI QS550L. Full Daytona fairing, cruise control, new tires, mag wheels, new tune-up, oil change, new brakes, 12,000 ml.
$850beat. 797-6871. 78 VW RABBIT. $600. 1125 38th R.I.
783-1420. 86 PONTIAC T1000, factory mag wheela, 20,000 mint condition. Sporty. $4500best. 1 -534-831 76 BUICK LeSabre.
Good shape. $800. 752-9671. TIRES WITH Dodge rima, (3), like new, bias ply, B78-1 3. $20 each.
787-0194. 76 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, $375 or best offer. 792-0980. 78 VW Rabbit, super ciean, tow 1 owner. $1685beet.
764-7880 daya, 786-1714. 81 MONTE Carlo, V6, air, rear defogger, 6040 seats, 70,800 $2750. 762-841 9. QUALITY Used tires. $10 up.
Ask for Joan. 786-2974. 86 CAMARO IROC Z28. Loaded. $12,850 or beat offer.
755-6187. 80 SUZUKI 850 shaft, fairing, radio, custom seat, bags, trunk 1982 California side car, $1700. 1-309-441 -671 2. 76 CUTLASS Supreme, 350, 2 good condition. $1000best.
937-2801. 4 F70-1 4 on 6 hole white spoke wheels. $25 each. 787-3201 77 VW Mlcrobua. Excellent, 68,000 miles, rebuilt engine, air, radiocassette.
$2850-best. 764-41 60 after 6. 81 CHEVETTE. 4 4 door, air, radlals, runs great. $1 895 proffer.
796-1886, 85 PONTIAC Sunbird wagon, p.i., p.b., air, tilt, 18,000 ml. $6850. 783-5023 eves. EXCELLENT condition, 80 Celica tires (4) rims, MECHANICS SPECIAL: 75 Buick Regal, $200 or best. 762-5476 after 5.
80 SUZUKI RM60 dlrtblke, excellent condition, good first bike. $295. 797-8645 after 6. iuu. fUj-i lar aner p.m.
81 PHOENIX, front wheel drive, 4 p.b., excellent condition, $2285. 755-1 763. 76 VW RABBIT, 4 grsat engine mileage, atereo cassette, $800. 765-0455. 1886 Bulck Regal.
2 white, V6, tilt, cruise, stereo, $61 99. 9020 -Autos Wanted 75 PONTIAC GRAND Prix, $200. 764-3022. 79 SUZUKI QS750E, header, 10,000 mag wheels. $700 or best offer.
799-3562. 80 CHEVETTE, 4 47.000 mllea, $1400beat offer. 787-1 503 noon to 3 p.m. WANTED: JUNK CARS TRUCKS. Call 752-0110.
76 VOLKSWAGEN. Sunroof, good body, 4 epd. $575 or best. Must sell. 764-3018.
75 OLDSMOBILE. Body rough, but runa real good. $200. MB USED CAR SALES 79 SUZUKI GS850. Loaded.
Must see. Reduced to $2000. 762-2453. OPEN SATURDAY 75 VW RABBIT, runs good, $600 or best offer. 799-7455 WE BUY JUNK CARS U-PULL A-PART Airport Road, Milan 787-1316 80 RALLY Sport Camaro.
T-top, 2 tone blue, cloth Interior, tilt, AMFM Pioneer. Sharpl $4000. 782-3363, 8-3; after 5, 318-883-2871. 75 FIREBIRD, 350, p.a., air, new tiresshocks, $1500best. 1-308-523-2315.
9v40-Whed Drives SC50-Vans 82 CHEVY Scottedeie, 305 VS. 85 CHEVY Classic coach air, tut, AM-FM stereo, tow conversion, beautiful black 3 yr. ok Western enow ptow- gray. Hate to sen, but muat. used Wile, $6800.
234-5298. 755-4424. 82 Chevy 4x4 oenei. air, cruise, 82 CHEVY van conversion, AMFM, low mi. Excellent, 62.000 new tirea, $459Soffar.
787-4170. excellent, $8500. 787-6872. 79 Chevy Silverado, air, 81 CHEVY conversion van, well maintained, $4400oeet. 350, cruise, p.b., 797-0236.
47,000 ml. $4995. 762-5492, 79 CHEVY 4 ton 4x4, p.b.. 79 CHEVY Sport window van, $1600 or beat. (309) a tilt, cruise, new 944-6562 after 5.
Micheiine, looks drives 78 QMC Jimmy, 4X4, very great, $2500. 799-7402. good condition. $3000. 792- 78 GMC 8 passenger van, 0472.
excellent condition. 350, tilt, 76 GMC ton, body fair, drive TLJUySthnf. train good. $1295beat. 309- Qkj Qhry 792-1 500.
Warren. 944-3138 after 4:30. 78 C. ton short. 76 CHEVY C-10, 4x4, 6' bed, Pi, radiaia, 7BoSSBm'S7.
1 $1300. 322-3929 782-3384, 762-1292. 73 K5 BLAZER, 12 5X33X15 Urea, AM-FM tape. 2518 31et 755-4531. Ave.
R.I. $850. 786-6819. 73 CHEVY van, no ruet. New 84 BRONCO 2 XLT, tlTJ fl J09g.2g 83 FORD RANGER 4x4.
4 topper, cassette, 44,000 000(1 body' $60a miles $4600. 359-9532. 391-0853. 78 FORD 4 wheel drive Super BfJl 9' Cab. Excellent condition, lke $3500.
799-5063 $14,500. 1-486-9453. 82 DODGE RAM 50, 4x4, 2 6 B1J liter, 6 AM-FM TL cassette, 30,000 Ziebart. 309-795-1602. e4ia 79 DODGE power wagon, 4x4, Vn Va" h6 with topper, 360 engine, rJ 77Pnnn ruetproofed, 77,000 mitoa, wjw.
jig too jojo, excellent condition. $4400. 79 DODQE 1 50 4x4. warranty After 6, 792-5348. SPECIAL built converted van, aner a p.m.
19e4 Fofd 250 Max(extrB 78 DODGE Club Cab 4x4, lota long), raiaed top, built-in of extras, camper topper, propane powered 796-1039 after 5:30. orfreezer, built-in food 77 Dodge Ramcherger. Needa minor work. $90qbest or 8 "A trad, for van. 309-69-2637.
72 DODGE, 318 stick, new appointment. tlrea, fuel pump, carb. Good no man cisn u. i a condition. $1500.
792-2850 Va k6 after 4 cvl'' p.p., ruetproofed, 83,000 miles, 85 JEEP CJ-7, 29,000 excellent condition, $3450. AM-FM stereo tape, $6500. After 5, 792-5348. 764-5634 or 794-1225 evea. 80 FORD Chateau, 351, air, 79 CJ-5 Renegade.
42,000 dual tanka, Detroit locker, new mllea, new soft top, excellent tlrea, $6600. 1-654-2479. mechanical. $2700 or beat. 7K cnan a -1, 797-1 805 or 762-0245.
wagon, 86,000 excellent, 78 AMC Jeep Wagoneer. Muat $l800best. 355-2086. aell Leaving atate. $1300 326- B6 DODQE mini-van, enger, series, loaded with 77 Jeep Cherokee.
Good extras, red with wood grain, condition. $2100beat. 788- running boards, low mileage, 2171 after 5, anytime excellent condition, $13,000. weekenda. Geneseo 309-944-6857.
76 J-10 JEEP. 69,000 mllea, red, good looking, runs very 79 DODQE Max! Van, good. $1 700. 309-496-9240. 318, door locks, 8 61 WILLYS CJ3A, 6000 Passenger.
$1 900. 799-7763. original miles. $3500 or best 76 DODQE window van, 8 offe. 787-0655.
passenger, new metal paint, 47 WILLYS CJ2A. New brakes. JCS new starter, needs fly wheel to S' toui cahs only. Asking start, good engine trana. B50' 7S7-4900.
$350. 788-3931 76 DODGE van, 8 JEEP TRUCKS: 1 1 964 4 wheel r4ufinQ8Roood' n0 ruet' $650' 332" drive. 1 1968 2 wheel drive. oaB- Good condition. Selltrade for 74 DODQE VAN, 3 6 1 old truck.
787-3067. trana. needs work, good 80 TOYOTA SR5, 65,000 ml. 350- 762-0454. any 9055 -Collectors Cars trade.
798-5000 evea. wvronwis weis (KMC t.l. 81 VETTE, "iiver, 350, WJ iniCTS power seatwindow, sharp 86 V2000 Mazda, ruetproofed, r2u7ntB sf 3 bedliner, many extras, 10,00 27th R.I. 309-754-8324, ml. $5300best.
762-3135. 81 CORVETTE, dark blue, 86 CHEVY V. ton Silverado, J1.1 ffiSff 8ir' white, 11,000 (309)593-2870. loaded. $10,000.
796-1369. 80 SEVILLE, 2-tone, leather, astro roof. Mint. FOR GOOD BUYS, for hard-to- 796-1369. TrTut'd'cftl'cS 75 Corvee T-toP.
'r. ConnaSS? Claealfled AMFM, 30,000 excellent connection. condition. $8200beat. 796- 85 CHEVY Mr ton Silverado, red 2969.
797-5056 after 4. white, 305, loaded, 73 CONVERTIBLE Old8, red 23,000 miles, excellent. 787- Inside out, $3800. 1-309- 4038. 844-3202.
79 CHEVY heavy V4, 6 73 RED Z28, excellent stand, great gas condition, 4 40,000 ml. mileage. $4500. (31 9)381-401 8 after 5. 79 CHEVY V4 ton, p.b., 72 OLDS 442, AM-FM power windows, air, hydraulic cassette, good condition, lift bed, $3200.
799-7679. $1850. (308) 476-8738, 78 SUBURBAN, stored winters, 70 CORVETTE. 4 all no rust. 350, tilt, cruise, rear power, black custom body, air, FM stereo, tow package, convertible.
$7600 or best $5300offer. 764-4114. offer. 788-7032. 77 CHEVY pick up, 305 V8, 3 69 MALIBU.
2 p.b., air, $800. 787-6476. 307 V8. $4500. Call Dan, 786- 77 Chevy Suburban, loaded.
3377- $3500beat offer. 762-1205 69 CHEVELLE Convertible. after 4. Red, p.s., p.b,, 307. 76 CHEVY BLAZER, Meyers S5300.
797-4653, 762-8161. 7V4' enowplow, $1200. Stats 69 NOVA, 46,000 ml. 6 cyl. Bank Of Orion, 526-801 1 air, restorablehave 75 CHEVY C20, Morrison utility Pale $1800.
797-9429. box, good body, tires, new 87 CHEVY II, restorable, seat. $2000. 1-937-2738. $700best.
786-8506. 72 1 TON International, 12' 65 CORVAIR Coupe, $350 or bed, dual wheela, new brake best. Call 792-8547 after 5 clutch, $900offer. 762-0579. p.m.
71 EL CAMINO, extra parte. 64 PONTIAC Tempeat conv- Body good, needa some ertible, good body, runs good, work. $700. 796-2743. V-8, p.b., 4 new 68 CHEVY pickup, good front 799" clip, doors, bumpers, glass, 3228 eves weekends.
etc. $200. 355-6572. 64 MALIBU SS, 283 4 85 FORD V. ton Explorer XLT $1500' 39" Larlet, 30,000 air, p.a., 526-8457 Orion.
cruise, tilt, AM-FM, p.b., Crew 62 PONTIAC LeMans, 2 cab, 460 engine. Sharp, good condition. Asking $900. $12,000. 767-1636.
Call 797-2431 85 FORD F150 XL, 6 4 57 CHEVY 210, 4 38,000 low runs great, all original, perfect. $7500. 792-0265. $3500. 319-264-1833.
82 F1 50, very sharp, full wrap 55 CHEVY, atreet-strlp, no tool box, ladder rack. $4500. motor-no extra parts. 1-496-8720. $350 firm.
324-2878. 81 FORD F-1 50, 8 cyl 54,000 47 CHEVY pickup, needs with topper, $3700. Call assembling, all parte comp-796-0097. lete. $2400.
319-264-1833. 81 FORD F1 00 pickup, 3 37 PONTIAC, 2 very 6 4 9 liter, p.s., 58,000 restorable. $1000. 764-3816 ml. $2900.
799-7846. or 755-7713. 81 FORD Courier. 5 runa 27 CHEVY coupe, completely great. Asking $950.
755- renovated, 1st class condi- 2163. tlon. $5900. 319-264-1833. 79 FORD F250.
Utility box. 36 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP, $1200. After 3 p.m., 388- hot rod project, 50 done, 5958. $550. 1-309-441-5712.
78 FORD F100. Good shape, 63 FORD FALCON convertible, new tires, new battery, 76,000 500 ml. on rebuilt engine, new miles. $1700. 762-7113.
brakea, new red paint. 78FORDE100, 3 6 S3000offer. 762-7546. P.8., p.b., carpeted In rear. 67 PLYMOUTH 4 37,000 Body average.
Runs great, miles, excellent, no rust, best $1750be8t. 332-6498. offer over $1000. 786-2401 77 FORD 2 ton LN750, 16' flat 72 JAGUAR XJ6, silverblack, box with twin cyl. hoist.
63,300 ml. $7500best. $5000offer. 309-949-2389. Excellent.
322-2604. 77 FORD 1 ton 350, cab 59 TRIUMPH TR3. Needa chassia, no bed, dual rear, restoring. $300. 787-4479.
68 C0UQAR- "-ike new 787-'l800 d9Ckln88' 11 00' condition new Interior. 10UU' $1600. 762-9067. 77 FORD WRECKER F350, mi ictam Holmee 480 split boom dolllea, eling, 25,000 actual fL c7qn7 mllea, air. $5100.
792-2486. mi. $4500. 797-5248 after 6. 78 FORD ton, V8, auto.
$650 6MulVlaafl 52nv7eri7l8' or best offer. 786-1714 Must sell. S1700. 762-7457. nights.
764-7890 days. TWO 58 DESOTO Flredomes, 1 75 FORD LT8000 tandem, Vflffi $1 000 or b08t 3208, 13 15' box, air, "9r- 787-4737. clean truck. 815-537-2617. 90S0 ImpOTt Car 75 FORD F150 Truck.
Looks PAr-r- good, runs great. Must sell. 7 J. 1 RPDSTER $700. 762-7457.
Must sell $3500. 762-8774 70 FORD ton aut 288 daya or 787-5306 eves. motor, tools boxes?" runs 79 MERCEDES 280CE, dark good, $350. 789-7666 brown metallic, excellent, 7 rr 80,000 ml. $11,600.
762-4732. 87 FORD F350, 10 grambox hoiat. Very very clean 55,000 78 MERCEDES 300D, air, full mi. $2995. 476-8578.
power, cream color, excellent on rrg rn condition. Moving, must sell. 80 DODQE D50 truck. 79,000 $6800. mllea, air, AMFM stereo.
$1800 or best offer. Call 75 Mercedes SLC 450 coupe, before 1:30 p.m.. 755-4567 Excellent condition. $14,000. 7lWl50.Wv4,,u,o.,p.,, pb, air, topper, low excellent.
70 MERCEDES 250C. All $3695. Anderson Auto Sales 797- Power sunroof $6000 or best 6995. offer. 391-7094.
74 DODQE 4 ton pickup, very 82 MAZDA 628 Luxury. Has little rust, runs good, $1295. everything, 1 owner, excellent 755-1124. condition. $4650.
391-8330. 74 DODQE PICKUP 78 MAZDA GLC, hatchback, auto. $800. 332-5658 8od work car, $800. 86 CHEVY crew cab dully.
4000 loaded, mint 86 HONDA ACCORD, 3 condition. 762-6988 between AM-FM atereo, $8395offer. 7:00 4:00. (309) 523-2454. 75 CJ5 JEEP, 6 cyl 3 spd 85 HONDA Accord, 4 dr.
LX, radio, aoft top. $1200 or best. alr' cruise, AMFM After 6, 786-8316 cassette, power windows locks. $8990. 799-5541 85 Toyota pick up.
Red, low excellent condition. $4500 84 HONDA ACCORD, 4 788-4588, 496-9677 after 5 white, loaded, extra clean. 1870FRUEHAUF.Sandbl.atad $J800' 256 painted, 40', 8' epread. 80 Hnda wagon, 5 aides, bows tarp. $3600.
41 ,000 AM-FM tape, Zle- 815-948-9401, Prophetstown. bart. $3000best. 765-2649. 65 INTERNATIONAL dump 80 HONDA ACCORD, nice car.
truck, 10 10' box, no 100 low monthly motor, $600. 322-2604. paymenta. Call Ken Qelskl ESTATE SALE. 87 Nlasan pickup, 5 camper shell, 78 HONDA, 1 owner, new only 1200 miles, new $7800.
brakea more, aaklno $6700. 755-0291. 65,000 ml. $825. 762-0537.
1 attar 6 p.m. 2405 44ttl MOLINE. YOU'VE MISSED IT Now's 79 SUZUKI QS1000L, blue, like new, 6000 miles. $2000best offer. 797-4742 after 6, 86 CHEVY Nova.
6 20,000 air, AMFM tape. Excellent condition. $6500. 764-5020, 764-7140. 9025 -Motorcycles 74 VW Super Beetle, rebuilt engine, 2000 mllea, new tlrea heater, $550.
75 CHEVY CAPRICE, 4 78,000 no rust. $550. 323-5607. I your chancel Custom built ranch featuring hardwood floors, full basem*nt, aat-ln 79 YAMAHA XS1100, good condition, $1 000 or best offer. 386-9552 after 4.
80 PONTIAC Bonneville. Diesel, p.s., p.b., power windows seats, air, 25 m.p.g. Good condition. $1100. 782-1286 after 5.
85 BUICK Park Avenue, loaded, luxury car, Boss sound system keyless entry. I kitchen. Newer furnace, central air and mora. $37,900. Leah Abbttt, 755-3003.
74 CHEVELLE Mallbu, 350, runs good, needs exhaust. $300. After 5, 787-6611. 74 GOLD SUN BUG VW, good condition, extra rebuilt engine, $1 400. Evenlnas 792-3569.
86 250 CC Honda Helix motor scooter. Driven 300 ml. $1 600 firm cash. 309-944-2940. 79 SUZUKI QS550E, new paint, rear tire, header; $900 or beat offer.
755-9008. lUjOuyDeai, i-44i-003U. 1420 24th VERY GOOD LOCATION on this 3 bedroom family home. 85 VF 700C Magna, extras, black, perfect, $2500. 796-0265 441-6620 eves.
78 SUZUKI QS760E, new battery, tires; 7700 $800. 755-1069. ouper ciean, newer carpeting. AH appliances stay. Enclosed porch and 1 car garage.
Make an oflerl $39,900. Janet Min-nehan, 764-4643. 85 HONDA ATC 250SX, many extras, few hours. $1 200. 31 78 SUZUKI GS750.
Runs good, new battery, helmet. $650. 797-3861 OPEN SATURDAY 84 HONDA Interceptor, under 200 $2800. 792-1337 after p.m. SUZUKI FZ50 motorcycle, $450.
787-4327. 5102 25th AVE. CT. UNIT 304, YOUR 84 HONDA SABRE 700. Super sharp.
Hate to sell, but muat. $2500beat. 755-4424. FREE TIME? You will love this Yemaha, 90 CC, like new, $200. call 764-0871 2 bedroom condo.
Beautiful brick 1 car garage and alt appiiancaa. $37,900. Marty 84 HONDA MAGNA. V30, 3,500 ml. Excellentl $1800.
1-658-2622, 1-523-3278. 86 YAMAHA Riva motorbike, won on game show, never uaed, $600. 359-8603. 83 V45 MAGNUM Honda, laid on side, slight damage, 6000 ml. $800.
762-2531, Anoerson, rtu-ojcxi. 1309 30th BRICK RANCH In Forest Hills. Natural woodwork, woodburn-Ing fireplace, new furnace, 2 car garage, shaded lot. Asking $51,000. Leah Abbm, 85 YAMAHA Virago 1000, 2400 miles, perfect, $2850 or beat.
792-1119. Volkswagen Factory Financing 82 HONDA NIGHTHAWK 650, 4000 fairing, excellent, $1400. 762-0460. 85 YAMAHA Maxim, red, sharp, 2 helmets, $2500b- 155 HAZELWOOD. QENE- est, 32P-B21 359-5477.
Art 62 HONDA V45, water cooled, ahaft driven, $1550 or beat. 786-4265, 319-323-6679. 84 YAHAMA FJ1100, great condition. $2700. 326-3089 after 5 p.m.
82 HONDA V45. Excellent condition. $1849. Call after 4, 762-3191. Dual remote control mirrors Tinted glass Valour interior Cut pile carpeting Rear window defrosters Rd.
to Hazelwood-Tlmberbrook Rd.Follow AMONQ THE TREES you'll find this delightful 3 bedroom ranch In Ha-zefwood Addn. Immediate possession possible. Spacious eat-in kitchen. Lots of storage. $62,900.
Betty Powell, 1-944-6263. AIR CONDITIONING Fuel injections Front wheel driva 83 YAMAHA Virago 500. Excellent condition, Teas than 1 100 ml. Muat see. 755-8576 after 6 p.m.
82 HONDA Nlghthawk, extremely low miles, $1200. 359-4846 after 5. 83 YAHAMA Venture 1200, 3900 stereo, excellent condition. $4400. 797-6277.
5 spd. transmission Power disc brakes Steel belted radials Aero style steel wheels 82 HONDA XL185, good condition, $500 or beat offer. 796-1291. maw $799900 82 YAMAHA XZ550. Vision V.
twins, extras, $800. 755- 62 450 Nlghthawk, black, lota of chrome, low miles, $950. 319-289-4291 1MBB. AIR CONDITIONING Fuel injection Front wheel drive 82 YAMAHA Maxima. 550 cc, sharp.
$950. 762-6028 after 4 or weekends. 82 HONDA Nlghthawk 650. Blue, excellent condition. $1100.
309-441-5452. -Cut pile carpeting 82 YAMAHA Virago, 750cc, excellent condition, $1500. 788-5318. WEINER, REALTORS 797-6090 An ktfpwxtontJy Owned and Operated MomtMX of CotdweN Bankw Rwctontial Affittatw. mc.
luggage compartment 82 HONDA CB650. Excellent condition, low mileage, lots of chrome, burgundy color. $1 200. 799-3654 after 8 p.m. Velour interior Dual ramotft rnntrnl Rear window defroster 82 YAMAHA 850 Sees excellent, 1800 $1000 or $070000 oesi.
10 r-BI 4 1, 391-5365 82 SUZUKI 125. Runs good. $350. 786-4789. Aero steel wheels I 82 YAMAHA 400 Special Heritage.
Black, like new. $600 or best offer. 755-9866. 81 HONDA 900 Custom, 1 owner, excellent, $1 700best. OPEN SATURDAY 131 H) gBO-Biil u.
81 YAMAHA. New helmet, good condition, $700. 386- PLUS LARGE CASH REBATES 81 HONDA Goldwing GL1 1 00, full dress, AMFM, CB. $3000 firm. 792-2180, 1H4U, Hoom zbo, anytime 80 YAMAHA 650 Special, low excellent, $1000.
319-388-0955 or 285-4589. 61 HONDA CB750C, loaded with extras, see to appreciate, $1800. 322-7957, 322-1365. 07 Ccb Plus ff 77 YAMAHA 360, like new, 4400 canvas cover, aiaay bar, $450. 798-5295.
81 KAWASAKI dlrtblke, $500 or beat. After 6L 786-83 18. 6 speed Tinted glass Power brakes Steel belted radials 81 HONDA Goldwing, full drees, many extras, mint condition. $2500. 787-3067.
77 YAMAHA RD400, excellent shape, low many extras. $750. 788-2702. Armrest Full carpeting Double wall construction "Intermittent wloers wg. iignier Cloth interior Trip odometer tl? A starting at $6695 HURLEY DAWSON 60, 750 CUSTOM Honda.
Verier luggage, 7500 actual ml. Muat sell, moving. $1500 firm. 369-6358 or 795-1 067. 7 Berkshire Drive, Rock Island Wast of 38th St.
via 24th Ave. You'll be surprised! You can buy this cute 2 BR home for monthly payments about the same as rent. Full basem*nt, 2 car garaoa. priced to sail at $29,900. Marlon Monson, 764- 86 HERITAGE Softail.
$8000- beet, 2300 ml. 388-0318 after 5 p.m. 80 HONDA CM400T, 2371 actual excellent, asking $800. 792-3359 after 5. azda 626 4 Dr.
77 HARLEY Davldaon, black, very good condition. $2500. After 7 p.m. 355-8305. 7002.
80 HONDA CM400T, good condition, asking $550. (309) 936-7722. 77 HARLEY Sportster, original owner, excellent condition, $2300beet. 318-322-5373. 79 HONDA CB750K, $650.
386-6066 after 5. ''V A I 11 6040 split fold down seats 4 stereo speakers Blue tinted glass Steel belted radials Intermittent wipers Rear window defroster 889900 AIR CONDITIONING Power brakes Front wheel drive Fuel injection Steel Wheels Dual remote control Black door mirrors Velour interior 76 SPORTSTER XLH, low new battery, $1800. 762-0707, Connie. 309-849-2557. 78 HONDA XR75 dirt bike, $300 or beat offer.
755-3796. 78 GOLDWING, fuH dreaa, lots of chrome, tow excellent 75 HARLEY FLH1200. 7900 like new. $4850. 786-3533 after 1 2.
condition, S.ZBO0. 797-8669 78 HONDA CB500, water cooled, great shape, $850. 764-6925. IVfazda 323 4 Dr. 76 SPORTSTER.
Candy red, custom seat, extra chrome. $2150 787-5657. ISA AIR CONDITIONING 4040 split fold down 77 HONDA GL1000, excellent condition, one owner, $995. 368-0963. 75 HARLEY Davldaon Sportster.
New motor paint. $1500. 752-7103. Hemote control rear seat backs Black door mirrors "Intermittent wipers ALSO AVAILABLE NEW LISTINGS MOLINE'S LOGAN AREA. 3-4 BR 2 bath cute older updated home.
New kitchen woek cabinets. Newer aiding, roof gutters. Lots of extra parking at rear of house $41,900. Carol Johnson, -veiuui ujnuiaieiy run uuor inm 77 HONDA 650K, only 6,000 clean, excellent condition, $760. 1-658-2475.
74 XLCH, must sell. $2750-beet. New top end, chrome, Rear headrests speed transmission fsrix Steel belted radials pami. rur-ozua, rB4-3zi 76 HONDA 360 with i Windjammer, $500 firm. 792- Tinted glass Front wheel drive Fuel Injection 'Excluding The Fox 66 SPORTY, new motor, new chrome, new paint, new tlrea.
$2500 firm. 786-1 889. $789900" Lt 104. 78 HONDA GoWwIno 1000. Full "Freight, handling, state fees not included, rebate is included.
57 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster, excellent, many new parts. $1900. areea witn am-fm CB. Matching trailer. Priced to sell.
1 800. After 6, 309-496-2668. 78 HONDA XL250 Enduro 2500 miles, runs great. $450 nm motorcycles or oest. jji-wuou.
78 HONDA CB500, collector's 80 PEUGEOT moped, $400 Call 1-309-944-3715 after 6 condition, just over z.000 original, Silhouette fairing, P-m. aaoois page, SHau, 355-8716. aiKAL istati sanvicis sear asr biolini lanoi 7it9.Tooo 74 uoranA ra'iRn auvi la good condition, $200. 7e BMW KAWASAKI- 9-5 Delly Open Fri. nighta 3rd R.I.