How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (2024)

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Posted on by Anonymous

How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (2)

How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? Maybe we can go to a new planetary system? Maybe venture into another galaxy and do battle with some aliens n sh*t? How come all the good content in this game is sh*t from 2017 and prior? Did Digital Extremes fire everyone that made their game good in the first place?

  1. 5 days ago



    Uhhh check out this sh*tty soulslike sh*t and we will go more into fantasy instead of sci fi!

  2. 5 days ago



    How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (6)

    all the good parts of warframe's design were accidental
    fortunately DE has been working hard since 2015 to rectify this mistake
    seriously though why can't we have a game with warframe's movement and combat systems but with actually well designed enemies and upgrades? all of its problems stem from trying to be a f2p MMO-lite instead of the co-op horde shooter it should have been.

    • 5 days ago



      Steve is super insecure about Warframe's success as a procgen horde shooter. He desperately wanted to create the king of all Sony movie games even before Sony movie games were really a thing (other than Metal Gear which was a heavy influences). As said, fun part of Warframe is just a byproduct of DE trying to be efficient with little content they had to keep players occupied while they are trying to make Steve's dream slop. First it was just innocent reworking of opening hours to make first impression less janky and confusing, then sh*tty disposable gimmicks, then just fricking railroaded movieslop quests where you aren't even allowed to use your weapons. I dropped this piece of sh*t after unbearable slog that was The New War.

      How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (7)

      >How come they don't add a new enemy faction?
      Bro...your eldritch horrors beyond the WALL?

      >Maybe venture into another galaxy and do battle with some aliens n sh*t?
      Pretty sure that's been in the plan for a while with TAU but DE decided to go with the man in the wall story first.

      >Pretty sure that's been in the plan for a while with TAU but DE decided to go with the man in the wall story first.
      Lmao. homie, Sentient storyline, faction and tileset are sh*tcanned. Man in the wall will get the same treatment.

    • 5 days ago



      >all the good parts of warframe's design were accidental
      It's either this or they fired all their employees that knew what they were doing.

  3. 5 days ago



    >new enemy faction was the murmur that show up in new deimos hub missions, and the dex in duviri and the zariman
    >the star chart has been expanded with plenty of new missions, hubs, an entire new "planet" in the form of the zariman
    >new planetary system
    what? like railjack as in a new map or just make half a dozen brand new planets with brand new tilesets?
    >good content is only 2017 and before
    the game is by far in the best state its ever been in, ever, by a gargantuan margin

    for the first time in forever we have actually challenging content in the form of elite Archimedia, tons of meaningful farms for different arcanes endo credits, plenty of new primes releasing and resurgence bringing back old vaulted ones, events are way healthier for player burnout than they have ever been before, giving basically all players realistic and reasonable access to core progression like arcane energize and a ton of "for fun" arcanes like velocity avenger and strike

    if you hate the game you might just be burnt out, but its far and away the best f2p scifi shooter on the market right now, maybe even just blanket the best shooter out

    they're even backpedaling on sh*tty monetization with the anniversary skins and letting people buy them with plat and planning to rotate them so you can get ones you missed

    • 5 days ago



      >new enemy faction was the murmur that show up in new deimos hub missions, and the dex in duviri and the zariman
      I don't hate the open world stuff, but I prefer the older Warframe maps. Also, I don't like that one of the new enemy factions they've added are locked into the Zariman stuff. It just doesn't feel very connected with the 'main' game.

      • 5 days ago



        The Zariman mobs have been reycled in various other missions by now and they added a new fissure type that allows you to play the Zariman and Murmur tilesets while unlocking relics.

        • 5 days ago



          >they added a new fissure type that allows you to play the Zariman and Murmur tilesets while unlocking relics.
          Oh cool, I'll check that out.

  4. 5 days ago



    >How come they don't add a new enemy faction
    Actually (pic related)

    > How come they don't expand on the star chart?
    I agree with that,

    Maybe we can go to a new planetary system?
    I was deluded into thinking that duviri would be the start of a new solar system, only to be a boring cesspool where I can't use warframes in Warframe.

    >Maybe venture into another galaxy and do battle with some aliens n sh*t?
    The void surrounds the entire solar system, that's why the orokin could never conquer the galaxy even though they had the technology to do so, the void was like a wall, so going to other galaxies is out of the question for now.

    >How come all the good content in this game is sh*t from 2017 and prior
    That was the start of open worlds and the most horrible farmeos islands that existed in warframe, that along with railjack 2017 best year lol no?
    Have you even played WF currently, have they picked up on not doing sh*tty stories, the farmeo loops in Entrati are entertaining, have there been solutions to avoid farming hells.

    • 5 days ago



      How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (8)

      I forgot the pic.

  5. 5 days ago



    Because the game is coasting off noob trap sales so they don't need to add any new good content.

    • 5 days ago



      >Name two that are better than the current content.
      Anything fun in Warframe is from before the Plains of Eidolon update. And I don't hate the Plains of Eidolon, I just prefer the older Warframe content. You play Warframe as a space ninja. Those tight locked areas with all those walls you could jump off of makes more sense. It feels weird running around in an open world. You're like a fish out of the water.

      • 5 days ago



        >Anything fun in Warframe is from before the Plains of Eidolon update.
        For you.

        >It feels weird running around in an open world. You're like a fish out of the water.
        You're not at all, that's your bias speaking. Even just the existence of Warframes like Titania, Gauss, Volt, Grendel, etc proves you wrong. That's solely the open world content anyway which hasn't even been done since Deimos and that was like 4 years ago or thereabouts.

        • 5 days ago



          They should have made some sort of ground vehicle like the sparrows in Destiny. The hoverboard sh*t sucked. The fricking archwings would have been fine but they randomly deactivate (seriously WTF).

          I agree though that Warframes like Gauss and Volt fit better into the open world environments. But other frames need some sort of suitable traversal options.

          • 5 days ago



            They did add skateboards and archwings already, now they've got horses/kaithes too. There's also subsumable skills related to traversal, waypoint teleports and vehicles on the maps themselves. You're impossible to please, buddy.

            • 5 days ago



              I said the skateboards suck and the archwings randomly fricking cut out and you lose it. Archwings COULD be good, but they aren't. Waypoint teleports is a bandaid solution. Fast travel shouldn't be the main way to traverse an open world, it should just be there as a crutch.

              Subsuming abilities for better traversal... ok... sure... if you are willing to make that sacrifice.

              • 5 days ago


                archwings cut out if you get shot by a specific (albiet basically invisible) projectile, but you can literally instantly open them up again, so while its annoying its not like its stopping you from using them

                the skateboards do suck ass, the open world format is totally underbaked, but nobody wants it actually fleshed out beyond defense missions, so it remains dogsh*t, basically everything else that's been released since the new war (barring kahl) has been minimum pretty good though, if not a little rocky to start like archon hunts

                it kinda sounds like you're just in the early game bro, are you far enough to do sanctum atanomica stuff?

              • 5 days ago


                >archwings cut out if you get shot by a specific (albiet basically invisible) projectile, but you can literally instantly open them up again, so while its annoying its not like its stopping you from using them
                It's stupid. Remove this moronation and I won't complain about traversal in the open world ever again.

                To your other points, I am not a new player, I am MR22, but I haven't played the game in a number of years. Just checking out the new stuff they added.

                I just finished fricking around with the railjack for a bit now. It's cool but I don't see myself grinding railjack missions. I'm probably just going to do the missions once and never come back to them. What is Sanctum Aanomica?

              • 5 days ago


                sanctum atomica is the newest area, an expansion on deimos, tangentially related to the family

                biggest advice is to just do quests, they will lead you to the best endo, focus, platinum farms, brand new upgrade system for warframes (archon shards), like a dozen new game mode types entirely different from the bogstandard exterminate/defense/capture

                your biggest hurdle will probably be getting a necramech, but if you already have one then you should be basically good to go all the way through the current story, if you still need to do it, do it in public lobbies with people who already have them, since the fights itself isnt fantastic, unless they've updated the old necramech fights to be like the current ones in the new area. oh and invest in getting zenurik and madurai unlocked, you dont need to level them, just have them unlocked and able to be switched to, the best focus farm in the game doesnt even use lenses and can cap you in one or two missions

              • 5 days ago


                Forgive me for going against you, god emperor. Oh, god of objective truth!
                You have like 6 different options to circumvent your problem on top of just learning how to travel fast with the basic Warframe movement and you're still whining. The Archwing "randomly" cuts out because you don't ever dodge or pay attention at all and blame the game when you're shot down. You're a child.

              • 5 days ago


                >randomly dinked by some random bullsh*t you don't even see coming
                >lose your vehicle
                It's dumb. Stop defending trash.

              • 5 days ago


                Try looking around for once instead of just staring into space.

              • 5 days ago


                Nah, it's a stupid system and you are stupid yourself for defending it.

          • 5 days ago



            >The fricking archwings would have been fine but they randomly deactivate (seriously WTF).
            They don't? Don't melee while flying and you'll be fine.

  6. 5 days ago



    you literally don't even play the game

  7. 5 days ago



    is it any good nowadays
    and by good i mean passable as a video game
    have not played since the fast twinktrap was added

    • 5 days ago



      Warframe is a good game locked away inside of a bloated game.

  8. 5 days ago



    How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (9)

    Warframe's game development funds mostly go to charities. It's a noble act at the cost of having 6 to 12 month long content droughts and less content. I suggest playing other games in between droughts.

  9. 5 days ago



    How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (10)

    >How come they don't add a new enemy faction?
    Bro...your eldritch horrors beyond the WALL?

    >Maybe venture into another galaxy and do battle with some aliens n sh*t?
    Pretty sure that's been in the plan for a while with TAU but DE decided to go with the man in the wall story first.

  10. 5 days ago



    too busy working on SOULFRAME
    i'm worried it's gonna be sh*t

  11. 5 days ago



    Try playing a game before posting, moron.

  12. 5 days ago



    >How come they don't add a new enemy faction?
    You mean after the Sentient, Narmer, and the Murmur?
    >How come they don't expand on the star chart?
    Oh you mean like since the Void, Kuva Fortress, Deimos, The Zariman, Duviri... or something else?
    >How come all the good content in this game is sh*t from 2017 and prior?
    Oh man I can't wait to do another Defence on Hydron! Now that's a real Mission. Miss me with Alchemy in the Sanctum Anatomica, Survival on Railjack nodes, and Steel Path Duviri!

    Please bring up how much you miss 'coptering next so we know you are a REAL OG that misses when Warframe was good hahahaha

  13. 5 days ago



    >80% of the star chart uses 10 year old tilesets
    >80% of enemies use old models
    >80% of voice lines/audio is 10 years old
    >everything pose plains of eidolon has been slop
    >story makes less and less sense with every update
    its over.

  14. 5 days ago



    I said black lives don't matter and devs permabanned my 27 lvl mastery account

    • 5 days ago



      I said some joke about the israelites running the world and I got banned for 2 weeks lmao. Frick DE.

    • 5 days ago



      I said some joke about the israelites running the world and I got banned for 2 weeks lmao. Frick DE.

      you shoulda just enjoyed some comfy fishing on earth with your Gankerros ,tenno

    • 5 days ago



      they did you a favor, to be honest
      >t. 2.4k hours

  15. 5 days ago



    Think of DE like magpies.
    They see a new shiny thing and focus on it
    Release it
    Then don't do a thing with it because they've already focused on the newer shinier thing.

  16. 5 days ago



    This criticism doesn't work anymore. Short of removing build times pretty much every sh*tty thing about the game has been improved.
    >Many grinds removed or vastly improved
    >New faction and a half introduced
    >Multiple new tilesets and locations introduced
    >Multiple new mission types introduced
    >Warframes and weapons are allowed to be good and OP ones are reasonably nerfed instead of being ground into the dirt.
    Story still sucks ball though and hasn't recovered from the kid.

    • 5 days ago



      Game is 100x more grindy now than it was a number of years ago.

      • 5 days ago



        How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (11)

        >game is 100x grindier than it was years ago
        >1 hour to get a new frame is now grindier than it was to do get thermia for and do like 11 runs of exploiter orb
        >or gathering hundreds of openworld sh*t materials like fish cum and diamond dicks
        >or running 25 minute bounties with a guaranteed 8 minute escort mission in them for a 10% drop rate on 1/4 bp parts

        we get it, you stopped when they released railjack like 6 years ago

        • 5 days ago



          I remember a time whenever I'd log into the game and there'd be like 7 new guns for me to play around with and 2-3 new frames. I'd log in every day and something new in the foundry was finished cooking up. I knew back then that this sh*t was unsustainable but my God was it good while it lasted. I was in a loot-induced coma.

          But I never thought the game would be as grindy as it is today. I looked up how to get Xaku and I realized it was going to take me like 2 fricking weeks of rep grinding to unlock him. FRICK THAT.

          • 5 days ago



            the new guns have kinda been lacking, i'm still bummed that the kuva sobek is and does nothing that the regular sobek couldnt already, same with the velox and okina prime

            fortunately for the rep grinding on deimos you can stockpile it and just turn in mothers tokens daily, so its not like you really need to get in for 45 minutes a day, just play on the weekends and save up like 3 or 4 days of rep turn in and log in for 2 minutes for it

            does the combat in this game ever become good/hard or is the point to just spam click and blow away everything on the screen like diablo?

            the difficulty very often comes from building things correctly and sometimes from execution in the game, grouping/priming/exploding guys, but rarely every something like a dark souls boss where you have to identify and react to 10+ dangerous moves in a row or whatever

            elite deep archemidia will give you a run for your money if you arent looking up guides on how to break the game

          • 5 days ago



            >I remember a time whenever I'd log into the game and there'd be like 7 new guns for me to play around with and 2-3 new frames
            Ah yes, because we all know the weapons back then were all good and usable.

            >I looked up how to get Xaku and I realized it was going to take me like 2 fricking weeks of rep grinding to unlock him. FRICK THAT.
            Yeah normal people played the game when he released so nobody had any issue because they were just getting the new sh*t anyway

            • 5 days ago



              >Ah yes, because we all know the weapons back then were all good and usable.
              Doesn't matter. It's fun to get new weapons and play around with them. The fact that 1 in 10 were actually good and worth continual use after MR points was a bonus.

              >Yeah normal people played the game when he released so nobody had any issue because they were just getting the new sh*t anyway
              >normal people
              >people who live on Warframe 24/7

  17. 5 days ago



    >How come they don't add a new enemy faction?
    Dax, Sentients, Murmurs, hell even Narmer are cool but you only ever fight them in specific areas/missions. I think it'd be cool if they brought them all into the regular startchart. They could make all those murex ships floating around after new war into actual mission nodes, or rework the entire invasion system to make it actually fun and interesting instead of just doing a mission 3 times in a row for ampule/fieldron/mutagen. It would've been fricking kino in New War if they had an event like that where you actually had to fight off Narmer/Sentients and have different things happen if we lost or won, maybe like relays. There's so many mechanics in this game that are really cool but just not expanded upon enough or done well, I really hope one day they make it so that everything clicks together just a little bit better. Game is still anyway

  18. 5 days ago



    does the combat in this game ever become good/hard or is the point to just spam click and blow away everything on the screen like diablo?

    • 5 days ago



      If you build your character correctly, you will blow everything away on the screen.

    • 5 days ago



      How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (12)

      Power creep has reached the point of no return long ago. Braindead full map instakill only gets worse as you progress. Time and time again DE have resorted to the cheapest crutches like time gating and invulnerability phases but you can't just slap a bandaid on a game where enemies are too dumb even compared to Crimsonland and devs can't tell the difference between addition and multiplication.

    • 5 days ago



      yeah, go to any mission with level 100 enemies and remove all your mods

    • 5 days ago



      Difficulty in Warframe is like old MMOs. Its gear/build based. Not really skill based.
      So once you actually build your frame well, forma it out and max your mods and arcanes, you will not face almost any challenge.
      Elite Archimedia is the most challenging content in the game right now, and its difficulty is still largely down to "is at least one of the random frames and weapons we picked for you fully forma'd and built? If not, come back next week"

      • 5 days ago



        you can get lucky with the weapons but, depending on the missions, as long as there isnt like a disruption or a defense you can just scam one of your built frames
        you can get every reward except the tippy tippy top one, which is just 50 vosfor, which is utterly meaningless

    • 5 days ago



      >is the point to just spam click and blow away everything on the screen like diablo?
      It only really reaches that point once you're well past most of the progression or you're at the very early game where none of the difficult stuff is (except Ambulants frick you). This has always been a weird criticism in my eyes, since it's not really true for most players at all. Not only that, but when it is actually true that player usually refuses to use anything but the super good Warframes and weapons as well. There's barely any people even trying out the weirder builds you can do to make even that supposedly one note AOE clearing enjoyable, they just flock to the meta and then complain the meta is boring. Weird.

      • 5 days ago



        How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (13)

        >There's barely any people even trying out the weirder builds you can do to make even that supposedly one note AOE clearing enjoyable,

      • 5 days ago



        One of my favourite parts about Warframe is the variety. I don't usually do more than 4 missions in a row as the same frame. So people who are meta slaves who just build the "press 4 to win" frames and play only those frames are confusing to me as well.

  19. 5 days ago



    >used to play this sh*t with volt as either snipergayging or the sh*tty thumper ripoff because both of them had broken interactions
    fun times

How come they don't add a new enemy faction? How come they don't expand on the star chart? (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.